發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2009-07-23 Professional photos (38) (0)
2009-07-22 Training log: 22 July (54) (2)
2009-07-21 Training log: 21 July 2009 (107) (4)
2009-07-20 Review: "I Want to look Like that Guy" (1925) (0)
2009-07-18 Building kettlebell volume with GS sets (93) (0)
2009-07-16 Volume before intensity (89) (3)
2009-07-14 The taichi of kettlebells (213) (0)
2009-07-14 壺鈴 基本功三 Kettlebell 101 -- 3. Swings (393) (1)
2009-07-13 No more ten minute sets for me (143) (6)
2009-07-13 壺鈴 基本功二 Kettlebell 101 -- 2. Shortswing (429) (0)
2009-07-12 壺鈴 基本功一 Kettlebell 101 -- 1. Deadlift (3056) (2)
2009-07-11 Fitness rant (185) (2)
2009-07-10 Formosa Fitness Kettlebell Videos: Kettlebell 101 (98) (0)
2009-07-09 Only diet tip you may ever need (92) (3)
2009-07-07 Kettlebell and Bootcamp fitness classes 壺鈴課程和健身營 (232) (0)
2009-07-06 台灣第一位合格壺鈴教練 (268) (0)
2009-07-05 Me and Steve Cotter (108) (0)
2009-07-04 IKFF Kettlebell Certification Review (155) (4)
2009-06-29 Off to Malaysia: IKFF kettlebell cert (92) (0)
2009-06-26 Lower carb, not "no carb" (123) (4)
2009-06-23 壺鈴快來了! (277) (3)
2009-06-22 Passed my NASM Personal Trainer cert! (332) (8)
2009-06-21 Cindy revisited: made 18! (83) (0)
2009-06-20 壺鈴: Kettlebell update (78) (0)
2009-06-18 Steve Cotter's The Complete Guide to Kettlebell Lifting (348) (3)
2009-06-17 In love with Cindy (150) (0)
2009-06-16 Exercise details: reaching the point of overload? (306) (0)
2009-06-14 Kettlebells: The 300 workout (438) (2)
2009-06-11 壺鈴: RKC clips (122) (0)
2009-06-09 Fast fat-burning workout (114) (0)
2009-06-04 壺鈴 New Kettlebell book! (80) (0)
2009-06-02 壺鈴 Formosa Fitness Kettlebelll warmups (134) (3)
2009-06-01 壺鈴:Steve Cotter Interview (160) (0)
2009-05-28 壺鈴:Military Press (260) (0)
2009-05-25 壺鈴健身的身材 (1676) (2)
2009-05-23 Steve Cotter 伏虎功 (835) (0)
2009-05-21 壺鈴快來了! Kettlebells on the way (218) (0)
2009-05-20 Kettlebells: Turkish Getup How-to (70) (2)
2009-05-19 The Economics of Heavy Kettlebells (428) (0)
2009-05-18 淺談壺鈴 (560) (3)
2009-05-17 What size kettlebell 壺鈴 to get pt.1 (159) (0)
2009-05-16 Pics from a Formosa Fitness taichi class (1303) (0)
2009-05-16 Formosa Fitness location (64) (0)
2009-05-16 Formosa fitness gets started (202) (0)