I hate to talk about diets because I often feel i don't have anything to add. On the one hand, it's a vital subject if you want to make any true progress but on the other hand, it's an even more contentious area than physical training. There are just too many variables for people to get a handle on. And there's research coming out all the time on this or that food and how it's good for you this week and bad for you the next. What to do?
I don't pretend to be a scientist or a nutritionist. I primarily talk about what has worked for me because my own experience is all I've got. Will it work for others? Maybe in a general way and that's how I present it. So what has worked?
Certianly NOT Atkins or any extreme no-carb diet like it. Atkins for me as a gout sufferer was a death sentence. Atkins has you eating pure acid all day -- not what gout suffrers need. But even for normal people, I see Atkins as the most bizarrely extreme diet out there. It just isn't something you can do long term. I think we should be thinking of diet not in terms of short fads that we try just to lose a few quick pounds, but a long-term change of your whole diet -- everything you consume.
Cutting way back on complex carbs like breads, rice, pasta, and simple sugars like table sugar, honey, etc. have made a big difference in my training. I try to eat those things once a day, at most. I make note if i have them twice a day because I know that day will set me back in my training as far as weight loss is concerned.
I also try to eat that one serving at breakfast time or lunch time at the latest. I want them early in the day to fuel workouts.
One of the best pieces of diet advice I know came from Fabio, the romance novel cover model that was popular back in the early 90's. He said NEVER eat carbs after 6 p.m. I think that's solid advice. Dinner and late night snacks should be protein based for recovery. Carbs are for energy and not needed obviously for you to sleep. Eating carbs at night is adding empty calories to your diet.
However I do eat carbs for dinner in the form of vegetables. I have a large salad every night as my main dinner course. I highly recomend this. I now get about 10-12 servings of veggies a day and feel much better for it. And of course it goes against Atkins advice, but there it is. Cutting out healthy carbs like veggies is not something I would recommend.
Replace your rice, bread, and pasta with veggies and your body will thank you for it!