
壺鈴=kettlebell This is a great trainer named Anthony from Art of Strength and the Punch Kettlebell Gym. He's certainly one of the main driving sources behind kettlebell training. This clip gives his recommendations for the size kettlebell that you should start with.

In my opinion, he skews a bit heavy. I'm not sure why. I guess he's extremely serious about what he does and he wants others to be as well. But I would recommend most people go lighter than what he suggests, especially from what I'm seeing of both foreigners and natives here in Taiwan. I can't think of a single person, for example, that I would suggest start with a 32kg kettlebell. It would just be too hard to learn proper form.

So the reason I call this part one is that I hope to record my own clip and put it on youtube for weight recommendations based on the people I've met in Taiwan.

Briefly, my initial recommendations would be 8kg for nearly all women and 12-16kg for men -- 12 being for the deconditioned men among us and 16 for the more conditioned. If you're a really, really big guy then 20-24kg might work for you. But I would want to see some serious strength in that individual before I would recommend that weight. 

The main problem I see so far in educating people about kettlebell lifting is the fact that it is COMPLETELY different from the normal barbell/dumbbell lifting people are used to. I see this mistake every time I hand someone a kettlebell and they try to do a bicep curl with it. That's not what a kettlebell is for. It's not just an oddly shaped dumbbell.

How to use the kettlebell properly is beyond the scope of this article, but as I get into the blog and the videos it will become clearer and clearer that kettlebell training is a different type of training -- a type that most of us are not used to -- but one that has the potential to bring unique results in terms of fat loss and conditioning.

Because it's a different type of training, there is a bit of a learning curve to getting the technique -- hence the need for weight recommendations for beginning kettlebell buyers.

Stay tuned.

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    Formosa Fitness

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