One of the most persistent myths I see is the idea that someone doesn't have the energy to workout. When I hear this I think to myself, "Does anyone ever have the energy to work out at first?" Does anyone really expect that at the end of the day, they might one day just have this abundance of energy that they just have to get out? When does that ever happen?
Most people's idea about exercise and energy is completely reversed. Here's the real deal: you work out first and THEN you get the energy.
Counterintuitive I know but there it is.
It works like this. If you don't exercise then your body seeks equilibrium. You aren't going to have a massive amount of energy one day to start a fitness program. Why would you? Where would it come from? Your body has gotten used to its current state. To get more energy, you have to break out of that equilibrium.
When you start exercising, your body becomes more efficient with energy. That means you will feel more energy as that efficiency increases.
You'll also find that movement stimulates your mind. We all have a human need to MOVE but many people don't fulfill it. Moving improves your mood and gets you on a positive feedback loop. You start feeling better. Combine this with diet and you start getting synergistic effects -- the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Then you start looking better and feeling better and...
So don't wait for an energy blast that will never come. If you want to feel more energetic in your life, start moving!