I see this a lot in relation to fitness and nutrition systems, I saw iT when I got my master's in international relations, and I saw it a lot in martial arts: something isn't perfect so it gets seen as useless. Great example here. We love to toss those babies with the bathwater.
NO system that any human has developed is perfect. If there was a perfect piece of software, a perfect fitness routine, a perfect anything, then we'd all have it or be doing it. But they don't exist. Humans are imperfect and imperfectable beings. Everything has benefits and costs. It's simply a matter of weighing the costs vs. benefits.
By that measure, some systems are clearly better than others considering what we are aiming for. If you have a goal, find the path that will get you there safely and efficiently.
When those conditions are satisfied, I quit picking at it. If it's getting you what you want, they why keep looking around? Why keep being skeptical? Because it can't be proven mathmatically every time or isn't quantifiable 100%?
Who cares?
Sometimes we need to turn the nerd inside off and go to work. If it's working, leave it the alone. :)