There's a difference between someone that makes the call to a fitness professional and someone that doesn't: motivation. Let's not hem and haw around it. People that don't try or that won't even call aren't motivated enough to do so. And for many, not deciding to act is deciding to not act at all.
Fact is, neither I nor any other fitness professional can give someone the motivation to call or otherwise take that first step. It has to begin with the client.But the old cliche applies: the client has to WANT to change.
And it really, really saddens me to see the people that just will not do that until something catastrophic in terms of health has taken place.
But that's what has to happen for most people to get motivated. The idea of "an ounce of prevention..." simply doesn't exist in America or a lot of other places any more and it won't again for a very long time. With no crisis, there's apparently no motivation.
Thing is, many of these people wait until it's just too late. You can manage some health issues, you can make things slightly better. But at a certain point, it's really too late to change things around. Decisions have been made even if people don't want to face those facts and consequences will have to lived with.
I BEG you, don't wait until it's too late. Act now and take control of your health while you can still turn things around.