I created this workout for women beginners. Many of them have trouble pressing the 8kg kettlebell so the 4kg is usually what they want to buy. But 4kg is way too light for anything other than one arm pressing. That little weight won't engage anyone's hamstrings, making swings, etc. practically useless.
The solution is for the ladies to buy two 4kg kettlebells and do the workout as above. Doing double kettlebells will challenge them even when light weights are used because the body is under constant tension. This goes against the concept of single sided weighting that is so useful in kettlebell training, but who cares? You have to know when to break the rules. And double kettlebell work is pretty hard.
The sequence and set/rep scheme was deliberately kept as simple as possible. This is for beginners. I usually recommend this be done as a circuit and then repeated as needed. Rest can be taken between exercises but should be kept to a minimum. A break between circuits is highly advisable, especially at the start of training.
If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.