
This is another workout method we use with kettlebells. A Tabata protocol is taking an exercise and then doing it intensely for :20 and rest for :10. This is one cycle. You do 8 cycles back to back for a total of 4:00. It's a tough workout if you select the right exercise and weight. I'm huffing and puffing in this one.

Tabatas are tough. Don't do them more than twice a week. Try to pick an exercise that you can do intensely and that will work the whole body. Tabata originally programmed this for the stationary bike, I believe. But it works well with weights, as you can see.

I'm doing double 16kg KB in the clip. I previously was only able to hold them in the rack for 4:00 and struggled even with that. Now I'm doing Tabatas with double 16s so I'm definitely getting stronger. Make this a part of your training every now and then when you want to test yourself and you will too!


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