
In covering kettlebell workout methods, I now move from ladders to breathing ladders. The video above is just an intro. And i should have pulled my shoulders back more. But I'm not re-doing it. Haha.

To do breathing ladders, pick a technique and do one rep, then breath once, do two reps, breath twice, etc. I worked up to 10 in the clip doing two-handed swings with the 28kg KB.

A great article on how to really use breathing ladders is here. Just doing one set as I'm doing in the video may not do much unless you work with a really heavy KB or double KBs. But the clip was just to give you an idea.

I hope it's obvious that all these methods can be mixed. You might use a circuit as your main workout and then top it off with a ladder or breathing ladder for swings with a heavy KB. Or you can make each method the workout of the day.


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    Formosa Fitness

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