I've got so much going on with various projects that I'm not sure what to post. Too soon for many things. Here's the last workout I did for some motivation:

1:00 KB one arm swing :30L/:30R

:30 rest

1:00 alternating dead clean

:30 rest

1:00 push press :30L/:30R

:30 rest

1:00 sumo pull

:30 rest

x4 with one 24kg KB. It's a heck of a way to spend 24 minutes. Try it out.

formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


I'm putting in a special order soon and I'm offering you a chance to get a set of powerclubs at a super deal. I'm ordering clubs by the set with two each of the following weights: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10kgs. That's 10 clubs in all for the low price of NT$9000. That's much lower than you'll get them anywhere else with no shipping fee if you pick them up. This is a great deal but I will NOT be carrying these in stock. If you want them, you have to let me know quickly and I can order them for you. Hope to hear from you!

formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

ikff cert 2.jpg

Here's our happy group. Congrats to everyone that passed, and to those that didn't -- keep pluggin away!

formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


I'm back from the level 2 and I'm new and improved LOL. Steve gave us lots of new material including doing deep jump squats for ELEVEN SETS with everything up to the 28kg kettlebell. Good thing I was doing deep jump squats already or I would have been toast.

I reached a new benchmark in double press by pressing the double 28kg kettlebells. In fact, I pressed them five times not....ahem....counting that one missed rep that almost saw me losing control of both bells. But hey, four steps forward one step back isn't bad. I couldn't get them out of rack before the cert! I guess it was just being there and having everyone stare at me while I was doing it. I didn't want to lose face LOL.

I got to meet lots of great folks and had a great time in general. The people you meet is the best reason to go IMO. Thanks to everyone for making it such a memorable trip. See you next time!

formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()


I'm off the level 2 cert today in Hong Kong. Looking forawrd to it! I'll be coming back with lots of great tips and more training to put you guys through. Expect some tough days when I get back. And wish me luck! :)

formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Join us for great results in just 30 minutes a day!

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formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There's an old saying, "The poor can't afford to buy cheaply." This means that you get what you pay for and when you buy cheap, you get something that will NOT last or perform as it should. You will have to buy it again when it fails. That's more expensive than just buying something of quality in the first place.

Quality is hard to find in Taiwan's fitness industry today. Everyone wants everything cheap or even free. But when things are cheap, they aren't very good nor effective. People wanting fitness find they can't get good results by using these cheap products and services. Higher quality alternatives often provide the results that people want.

Kettlebells and other fitness equipment are often designed, produced, and sold by people who do not use the equipment and have no idea how it is supposed to be used. Even worse, the trainers often don't use the equipment themselves so they aren't familiar with it either. Without experience, the designers, producers, sellers, and trainers have no idea whatsoever if they are producing or using a quality product.

In fitness, the value of a product depends on the results you can get from using it and the product's safety and durability. If the product is unsafe or you can't get good results using it, then the fact that it's cheap means nothing. Buying such a product would be a waste of money.


formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

This is a very inspiring clip of a 72 year old woman who is obviously in great shape. She's more fit than most anyone. Great story. But look deeper. According to the narration, she runs 80 miles a week and lifts weight nearly every day. Now look at the exercise class she teaches -- 5lbs. dumbbells, easy movements, relaxed pace. One of the class members even says she wants to do what what the teacher is doing so she too can look that good.

Well, umm..........

Granted that everyone needs to start where they are. Everyone needs an on-ramp to intensity. And yet I wonder -- do the people in the class ever think they'll look like her doing such easy-breezy "workouts"?

If someone wants to look like her, they need to work like her.

This is one of those tragic disconnects I see so often in the fitness industry. If someone inspires you and you want to be/look like them, then find out what got them there and DO that.

formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We have a new website up to service Taiwanese interested in kettlebells: kettlebell.com.tw

It's a Chinese-only site and good grief was it a pain to get set up. It took me almost a week to get this going. This is still a very early stage of it.

We also have a Facebook page in Chinese now: Kettlebell Taiwan

I've also added Goggle Translate to the site at the right ------>

Last but certainly no least, I've been updating the Formosa Fitness home page. It's still a work in progress (gee, no kidding?) but you can take a look and let me know what you think: formosafitness.com

And that's what I've been working on all this week. Frankly, I need a vacation after trying to figure out all this unicode, DNS, etc. stuff. My head is swimming from it all.

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