
This was asked on a local board and below is my response.

I'm obviously biased in this area but IMO, "detox" isn't going to cure what is ailing you. It sounds to me like you need to get in shape and that means changing your mental and physical diet, and adding exercise to your regular schedule.

People who feel like this don't need detox nor are their bodies full of poisons. What's happened is that they've made poor choices that have resulted in a low energy state. If you eat crap food and get little to no exercise, then your body adapts to that input and output. You wind up with little mental or physical energy because you're not supplying it (food) nor do you need to produce it (exercise). So you're losing out in both the areas of supply and demand.

Instead of an expensive detox vacation, I'd recommend that the money be spent on buying higher quality, natural foods. High quality fruits, veggies, nuts, meat, milk, whole wheat products, etc. are a good start and if you still want some cheat foods, get high quality ice cream or something comparable. Quality is key. Processed food is out.

Second, either start an exercise program on your own or find a class to join (and yes, I offer them. Shameless plug.) The main thing is MOVE. Make movement part of your lifestyle by exercising 30 every day. Some forms of movement are better than others but you have to start somewhere.

Finally, you mentioned mental negativity and I see a lot of that. I recommend that people stop watching the news, period. News tends to extremely negative and a steady diet of it will depress you. Instead, spend your time with positive media and people that you find uplifting and encouraging. I use books on MP3 a lot for this. Seriously, negative media is one of the biggest mental outlook killers I can think of.


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