

Talking about ecalating density training and what not might seem confusing. So what the heck am I trying to do lately?

My goals are the following:

1. hypertrophy. I want to get a bit bigger myself and I want to be able to program hypertrophy gains for clients as well. So right now I'm experimenting to see how I can make that happen in a functional fitness paradigm. Do the two mix? That's what I'm trying to find out. I had no problem gaining muscle using bodybuilding protocols in the past, but training movements instead of muscles, as we do in the functional fitness paradigm, changes things quite a bit. We don't isolate muscles the way bodybuilders do, so can it be done? Stay tuned.

2. heavy kettlebells. I want to be able to handle the heavy kettlebells both in singles and doubles with skill. Doesn't mean I have to master them right now but I want to be familiar with their use and that means training with them for a while. So time to up the poundage.

Before I started training EDT, I had doubts that hypertrophy with ketlebells could be done. Or maybe i was doubting I could figure it out. Doing something like a 5x5 program with the kettlebells just didn't feel like enough for me. The problem was likely the fewer number of upper body movements available with kettlebells, leading to a lower training volume if you try to use them for hypertrophy. But EDT takes care of that volume problem like a charm. So far, I get a much better training response from EDT than a KB 5x5 workout.

More to come.


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