I've been thinking a lot about this lately: working out with kettlebells is different from other workouts -- they take courage.
Look at the sad state of corporate fitness with its treadmills and machines that hold the weights for you. When you workout like that, you're always sitting down or "working" out in some protected environment. You don't have to face any of your body's structural problems since the machines provide all the structure. You don't have to worry about dropping the weight because it will just fall back on to the stack.
Kettlebells aren't like that at all.
It's just you and the bell and all your weaknesses get exposed right from the start. Nearly everyone has tight, underworked posterior muscles and kettlebells hit those first thing with the deadlift and swing. Want to run from your weaknesses and move on to some other vanity exercise? You can't with kettlebells. Don't get the swing down and there's no where else to go. Either face your fears and weaknesses, or put it down and walk away.
Because of this aspect, I don't think that kettlebells will be for everyone. Not every one likes having to deal with their weaknesses first.
But that's what makes kettlebells such an amazing tool -- they start fixing your body on day one.
It's a transformative experience.