My gym isn't just that, it's the lab where I work on myself. So I'm part mad scientist, part monster. Haha. This is why I believe that trainers should be in shape themselves. We should be testing material out on ourselves, thinking, and growing in the gym right along with clients.
A lot of programs look good on paper but actually doing them shows how they often need to be tweaked. If you don't do them, how could you recommend them to clients? When I recommend something to clients it's because I've done it personally and I know it works. Clients can be confident that they're getting a safe and effective program that I can tweak to suit their needs. And there are a ton of programs out there. Pick smart!
So I've been doing the escalating density training (EDT) lately. Here's what I did yesterday:
workout 1
Remedial warmup (more on this later)
L-sits 10x:06
Tucks 10x:06
EDT 15:00 double 24kg KB military presses and double rows -- 60 reps each accomplished
Abs: superset 5 reverse crunches/5 crunches x3
20:00 jump rope
I was bummed after the EDT session because I knew I didn't have it in me to do a second session of pullups and pushups. And then when I calculated my numbers and compared them to the first time I did EDT, the numbers hadn't changed a bit (60). So I felt pretty depressed for a few minutes.
Then I went back and checked my notes: the first EDT session was 20:00, this one was 15:00!!! I did the same number of reps in 25% less time. Definite improvement.
So in the "lab," EDT is working very well. Go experiment and enjoy.