
Wow. This was tough:

EDT 2x24kg KB squats and swings 20:00

I got 16 sets and this taxed my cardio a bit. I had to really catch my breath between sets.

The swings were interesting since I've never swung that much weight before and I'm a short guy. I had to make the swings short so the combined weight of the bells (48kg) didn't swing me off my little lepruchan feet.


superset leg thrusts and reverse crunches 10/5 x3

0:05 break between thrusts and crunches, 0:10 between sets. Come down as slow as possible on the crunches.

This has become my abs workout lately and I'm loving it. Just takes a few minutes and works like crazy. Try it out.

Workout 2

30:00 on bike program 3 level 10=400cal burned


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