This is our advanced class doing what they do: deadlifting, swinging, squatting, etc. This is a great class and I love the mix. Keep up the good work!

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We have a pretty interesting topic going on over at Forumosa. I started a thread about an article called Everything you Think you Know about Fitness is a Lie.

The article is a great intro to serious training and diagnoses many of the problems we see in modern fitness. The discussion is about the pros and cons of the article and it's pretty heated. Enjoy.

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This is a new DVD put out by My Mad Methods magazine. The idea was to make a DVD aimed at the BJJ/MMA and kettlebell markets.

Trainer Joey Alvarado starts off by saying this is an advanced workout. You need to have good knowledge of basic kettlebells moves before trying this stuff. This is a welcome change since a lot of DVDs are aimed at the beginner market. It's nice to see something a bit more advanced.

He introduces a bunch of new moves with the kettlebell based on basic BJJ/MMA principles like getting up off the floor, applying triangles and armbars, using a combat stance instead of a square stance for kettlebell moves, etc. You can get the flavor of what he's doing here:

As you can see, the moves are MMA-ish so you can clearly see the relationship but not overly complex. He stripped the moves down to basics in order to use them for fitness and I think that was a wise move. Some of these videos IMO try to make stuff too complex. And this clip above is actually more complex than anything on the DVD. He didn't put any flow like this on the disk, which is kind of interesting.

The DVD starts with an intro to the moves and I think there about 15 or so. I didn't count them. For an advanced DVD he surprisingly advices not to use a heavier kettlebell and after seeing the moves, you'll understand why. Moves like the combat clean can only be done with a lighter bell because of the whipping motion on the technique. I wouldn't want to try that with a 24kg.

After the moves are introduced, he gives beginner, intermediate, and advanced workouts based on rounds. Beginner rounds are 3:00, intermediate are 4:00, and advanced mirrors the UFC's 5:00 rounds. Each round is a circuit for that time with a break in between rounds. Alvarado takes the new moves and alternates them with traditional kettlebell moves. So in the circuits, he'll do one of his moves and then a traditional technique, then a new one, etc. I liked this format because it makes the workout less gimicky. But then looking at the clip above, I'm wondering why at least one flow all based on his moves wasn't out on the DVD.

My only complaint about the DVD was that the workouts are buried under the exercise section on the DVD menu. So you have to scroll through all the techniques just to get to the workouts and that's kind of annoying. Making those a separate selection of the menu next time would be a better idea.  

This DVD is a solid buy for someone looking to expand their kettlebell workout options. It's a nice blend of new and old techniques that would challenge most anyone.

You can pick it up here:

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One of my favorite coaches has a great line: the goal of training is to keep the goal the goal.

So people have this goal of gaining 5kg of muscle and they want to do 3-4 hour runs as part of a plan to gain muscle. Wait! What?!?!???

Then there's the guy that wants to run a marathon, increase his flexibility, gain 2-3kg of muscle, and wants to know what the kettlebell can do for him. You have got to be kidding me.

Finally maybe someone does water sports so they want to train everything on an unstable surface, except for the fact that they need to lose 30lbs. first. So what gives?

People have an amazingly hard time focusing on one, single, solitary goal at a time. Pick ONE THING and one thing only and go for it. When you get it, you can go for something else. But when you go for something else, expect that first thing you got to decrease. And if you're not ready to accept this fact, then you aren't ready for the training. Attaining multiple goals is completely futile until you've attained one.

But this laser-like focus is sooooooooooo hard for people to do. One thing, folks. Just one. Yes, completely ignore the mass media with their lies that you can be a stud with the ladies, a millionaire, have a great family, be in perfect physical shape, etc. all at the same time. Not gonna happen. You want something? Then be prepared to sacrifice elsewhere.

The ability to sacrifice requires maturity. It means not being a kid in a candy store any more and that's not popular in our forever immature society.But then that's why so few people really succeed at anything.

Think it over carefully.

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We had our fifth Kettlebell Taiwan certification yesterday and it was a unique experience in many ways. For one, it was the first that didn't require prior training with the kettlebell. We wanted to intorduce the kettlebell to coaches that had never used it before and I was nervous about that, but it went well. Second, we didn't have any of our famous 5-6 minute tests in this one because the trainers had never seen the kettlebell before. I was a bit like a fish out of water with this one because I love the tests, but as it turned out, it was a good thing we didn't have them. Third, I was as sick as a dog with the flu all day. I managed to pull off the cert even though it wasn't my best performance. It was good for me to perform feeling so bad because now I know I can do it. Check out some photos from the cert.

These are deck squats. They increase hip flexibility like a can opener opens cans.

Tricep extensions with the kettlebell increases the ability to lockout the kettlebell overhead.

I was really worried that the new trainers wouldn't get the swing right but they all did. Good job!!!

Our first female trainer! I was so proud of her. She swung, squated, and cleaned the 24kg! Congratulations and thanks for the hard work!

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I've switched my program to focus on building up my body for the kettlebell sport lifts. Push press is a great exercise on that path and this is a really good tutorial for it. Enjoy.

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At Formosa Fitness, we carry a range of protein powders to fit your needs. But each one is lightly different. Let's see how they differ. Which one is right for you?

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Biochem Whey Isolate -- Vanilla and Chocolate

Biochem whey is 100% whey isolate, NOT the cheaper and poorer quality concentrate that is so commonly found. Isolate is a purer form of protein with as few carbs as possible, making it ideal for calorie conscious exercisers. Biochem is also different because it’s the only flavored protein I’ve found that uses NO artificial ingredients or sweeteners.  The list of ingredients is short and simple. You don't need a PhD. in chemistry to read the label.

The vanilla is light in flavor and is preferred for baking (think protein bars, mmmm...) or with mixing with other things. Chocolate has a stronger flavor than vanilla. The whey isolate is a little thinner if you're looking for a meal replacement and it passes through your system very quickly. This makes it ideal after a workout but before a meal because it won't make you feel full. If you're wanting to feel full and have the protein stick around longer (like before bedtime) then be sure to have the whey isolate with milk. The milk protein digests slower than whey and the combination will make you feel fuller.

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Biochem Vegan Vanilla Protein

This is one of the best protein powders I’ve ever tried. I use it and I’m not even vegan! This powder has 20grams of protein from pea, hemp, and cranberry sources. Plus this powder has fiber that makes you feel fuller than our whey powder — perfect for staisfying that gnawing hunger you get when trying to lose weight. Sightly higher in carbs than our whey isolate, this protein is a great choice to kill a sweet tooth. Many people also notice that it is thicker than our whey isolate, so this protein is ideal for those wanting a thicker shake. This protein is a concentrate -- not an isolate -- so there are some carbs in this one.

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Biochem Vanilla Hemp and Whey

This one sells out the fastest! This is the highest fiber protein we carry -- coming in at 4gm of fiber per serving! The protein is very filling because of that. It has eight times the fiber of our vegan protein. It's also the sweetest protein we carry, especially when you mix it with the local milk, which might be sweeter than milk found in the West. But for those looking for a dessert protein, this would be the top choice. Despite the hemp source in this blend, it is still primarily an isolate -- clocking in at 20gm of protein per serving with very few carbs. This one combines the best of the vegan and whey proteins together and is a personal favorite.

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Biochem Berries and Whey

This is IMO the best tasting protein we carry and the best choice for those who like their protein with water. Blended with water it tastes almost exactly like fruit juice. The flavor is a blend of goji, acai, blueberry, raspberry, and strawberries. As with all Biochem products, all of these are all natural -- no artificial flavors are used. Goji and acai are highly touted for their health properties but are really expensive. This protein is a good way to get their benefits with a lot of protein.

Again, if you think protein powders taste like chalk, this one will shock you.

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Biochem Natural Whey Isolate

This one is for the hardcore amongst us that don't want anything to stand between them and their protein. Natural flavor is a nice way of saying "no flavor" in that nothing is added to this one. It's just the protein. This makes it ideal for baking or cooking, where you wouldn't want the flavor to get in the way.

A couple of quick notes about all our proteins. Biochem is unique amongst whey protein producers in that they use NO artificial flavors or ingredients! Look at the back of that cheap protein you're considering getting and you'll be shocked. A long list of chemicals and artifical flavors and sweeteners is the norm in the industry. Biochem DOES NOT add that kind of stuff and we carry Biochem exclusively because we know customers care about that.

Also, Biochem whey proteins are totally free of growth hormones and all the other hormones so common in the industry. Biochem doesn't just use the cheapest whey they can get their hands on. This is high quality stuff. Because of the quality, Biochem proetien powders aren't the cheapest you can get but suprisingly, they aren't the most expensive either. Remember, you get what you pay for and this is your health we're talking about here.

Finally, all proteins are 20gm of protein per serving but each serving size is somewhat smaller than others in the industry. The Biochem scoop is a scoop, not a shovel. If you want more protein, simply use more scoops. Other brands claim 40-50gm of protein per serving but the scoop is the size of a shovel -- making their claims a bit misleading. Don't be fooled!

All proteins are NT1500 for two canisters -- a one month supply if taken roughly once a day. Please feel free to try two different proteins!

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I probably shocked some folks last year when I said I actually liked these programs. Trainers like me are supposed to hate DVD programs like P90X and Insanity but I actually found a couple of good things about them. For one, they introduce real intensity to the general population and you have to like that. Intensity allows for shorter, more effective workouts. You end up actually doing the workouts instead of just thinking about them. And let's face it trainers: many, many people have gotten great results on these at-home programs.

However, these DVD fitness programs have a major drawback or two that makes your average trainer hate them.

For one, they are primarily junk volume. Junk volume is exercise that serves little purpose other than to make you tired. Oh sure, you burn fat in the process and it does get you moving, but you never get BETTER at anything. You just get better at doing the program. Where do you go from there? Do the DVDs again? Who knows. It's not like doing kettlebells or Crossfit where there's a progression that can take you as far as you want to go. You aren't building skills in anything that is scalable upwards. 

Second, intensity is great and all but there's a real limit. Insanity is guilty of this one big time. The workouts are intentionally programmed to be nearly impossible to complete at that intensity. And you're supposed to do that intensity six days a week? Injury here we come.

DVD programs that use intensity naturally are plauged by customer injuries. Afterall, no one is there looking at the squats and lunges that you're doing by the hundreds. With that much volume, faulty exercise patterns will cause injuries very quickly. Trainers naturally warn clients away from these DVDs because of that.

On the whole, I think they do more good than harm, which is why I give them a positive review. I'd rather people be exposed to that type of exercise program than not even with the down side. And let's face it, everything has a negative side, right?

So enjoy the occassional P90X or Insanity workout (or even cycle) but keep good exercise form and upgrade to a better program when you can.

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I guess Santa didn't have room for these in the sleigh. Sigh. Maybe later.

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This is the Texas black bar. It's really nice and not chrome plated like our regular bars. I've used one before and loved it.

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Would love to have more squat racks for the gym. But maybe only one of these would fit. I would love to have the cable attachment, too.


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Trap bar for deadlifts. Great tool but impossible to get here. Keep dreaming, I guess. :)

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The advantages of protein powder are huge. Let's go over a few:

1. Convenience. Can't cook? Don't have time? Can't carry what you cook with you? You can't beat protein powders for convenience. They are easily stored and carted around with you to work or the gym. This is a major reason to use them.

2. You know exactly how much protein you're getting. Exactly how much protein is in that piece of chicken you're eating? The buffet meal you went to yesterday? Who knows? With protein powders, you know EXACTLY what you're consuming. Unless you're weighing and measuring your food like bodybuilders do, then you have no idea. That exactness is rare and having a protein shake is a good way to ensure you're getting what you need.

3. Digestability. Let's look at my previous post on why I recommend so much protein. Notice the BV chart. Here it is again:

Source Protein (g) Biological Value (BV)
Chicken breast 2.8 oz (79 g) 26 79
Tuna 3.0 oz (85 g) 24 83
Egg (1 whole) 6 100
Milk (1%, 1 cup) 8 91
Lean beef 2.5 oz (72 g) 22 80
Lentils (1 cup) 16 50
Red Kidney Beans (1 cup) 15 50
Bread (1 slice) 25 g 2 54
Rice (1 cup) 4 59
Pasta (1 cup) 4 54
Oatmeal (1 cup) 13 55
Whey Isolate -- 159
Whey Concentrate --


How do whey concentrate and whey isolate fit on the chart? They are practically off it, aren't they? They are more digestable (biologically available) than any other protein!! Whey is more digestible than just about any other protein source on earth. And the isolate we sell clocks in at 159!! That means that if you eat it, it will go STRAIGHT to your muscles. Digestability is a big issue for many people. Many people have stomach issues and/or constipation. Whey isolate is so highly recommended by coaches because we know that if you take it, it will work immediately despite digestion problems that might hamper getting your protein from other sources. There simply isn't a more potent source of protein!

Whey isolates are highly recommended after a workout for this very reason. If you want the protein to hang around longer (like when you sleep), mix it with milk. It's just that simple.

So that's the cheerleading for whey protein. What's the other side of the story? Whey protein is meant to be a supplement, it isn't a one-stop source of your protein needs. I often get this impression when I mention protein powders to people.

Whey protein is NOT meant to be your sole source of daily protein and I'm not recommending you make it that! 

You need to be getting significant protein in your meals and use the protein shakes after workouts, as snacks, or as meal replacements if you can't get a good, regular meal. So let's dispel the notion that I think you should be eating nothing but protein powder all day. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Whey protein is THE most widely taken supplement in the fitness industry because the reasons to take it are so solid. Don't let wrong impressions prevent you making progress!

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