We had our fifth Kettlebell Taiwan certification yesterday and it was a unique experience in many ways. For one, it was the first that didn't require prior training with the kettlebell. We wanted to intorduce the kettlebell to coaches that had never used it before and I was nervous about that, but it went well. Second, we didn't have any of our famous 5-6 minute tests in this one because the trainers had never seen the kettlebell before. I was a bit like a fish out of water with this one because I love the tests, but as it turned out, it was a good thing we didn't have them. Third, I was as sick as a dog with the flu all day. I managed to pull off the cert even though it wasn't my best performance. It was good for me to perform feeling so bad because now I know I can do it. Check out some photos from the cert.
These are deck squats. They increase hip flexibility like a can opener opens cans.
Tricep extensions with the kettlebell increases the ability to lockout the kettlebell overhead.
I was really worried that the new trainers wouldn't get the swing right but they all did. Good job!!!
Our first female trainer! I was so proud of her. She swung, squated, and cleaned the 24kg! Congratulations and thanks for the hard work!