想要知道壺鈴健身的其他變化動作嗎?請參考 壺鈴動作大全快速瀏覽


把壺鈴用正確的方式提舉起來,是練習壺鈴最基本的動作。千萬不要在剛開始練習時,就弄 傷了自己。下面所列舉的要點,請謹記在心。

2.背部打直,臀部往後坐(非往下坐)。做這個動作時,千萬要把整個後背打 直,腰部也不能彎曲。
3.頭抬起,眼睛看前方,確保您的背部完全打直(您的背部應該呈挺胸,但向前傾的狀態 )
5.腹部縮緊 (想像有人將要朝您的腹部打一拳)
6.用臀部和大腿後方肌肉群的力量,把壺鈴提起來。臀部和大腿後方的肌肉應該要有緊縮 的感覺。

這就是壺鈴最基本的提舉,英文叫做deadlift。當您做這種提舉,能輕鬆把背打直 ,您的眼睛就不需要總是注視著正前方。

如果不確定自己的動作正確度,歡迎參加Formosa Fitness的體能課程,課程說明請點此


formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

There are so many myths out there regarding health and fitness. Here's my pass at a few of them.

First of all, thin does not necessarily equal health and it sure doesn't automatically equal fitness.

I see this all the time, "How can I get thin really fast?" My answer, "Heroin."

Drug abusers are thin. They often have six-pack abs. Are they healthy? No. Are they fit? Absolutely not. Do people really want to be like them?

Health is more than having 4% body fat or fitting into a size zero dress. It's about how well your organs function, actions you're able or unable to perform, and how you feel. If you feel lousy all day everyday then you're probably not very healthy.

If you've used extreme dieting to strip so much fat and muscle from your body that you can't climb flights of stairs, then what has your thinness gained you? You may look good on the outside but what's happening inside? Health is more than looks.

I see this is a lot of women here in Taiwan that want to lose weight. They eat like birds and lose what very little muscle they have in the first place along with the fat they're carrying. Then their legs start bowing in at the knees because of muscle imbalances. They can't maintain good posture because they don't have enough upper body muscle to hold the bones in place. But hey, they're thin and that's all that counts, right? Let me know how having osteoperosis when you get older feels.

Second, going to the gym will NOT solve your fitness problems. I've worked out at gyms for a long time. What do many people do when they go to they gym? Read the newspaper, talk to their friends, watch the walls of TVs that are now in almost every gym. Folks, you can do that at home! Fitness problems are surmounted through effort. That means intensity. Work hard and work smart. Don't waste your time at the gym doing things you could be doing at home. And please, if you don't go to the gym to WORK then don't sit on the equipment I want to use!

Third, running on the treadmill is one of the worst exercises you can do. Walking on the treadmill is even worse. Why do people do this? If you want to walk or run then GO OUTSIDE. Walking and running are basic actions. Everyone needs to be able to do them. And they are the cheapest exercises you can get. Just tie your shoes and step outside. Why would you get a gym membership or buy one of these things to do what you can do for free outside?

But go to a commercial gym and what do you see? People walking on walls of treadmills with their eyes glued to the TV. Look at those people a year from now and you'll see they haven't changed a bit. Why?

Becuase treadmills do almost nothing for you. The machine does the work! The motor moves the belt you walk/run on, meaning the only work you do is to pick up your foot and move it forward. The machine moves it back. Half the exercise is gone!

Save yourself a ton of money buy getting a good pair of shoes and make walking for 30-45 minutes a day part of your life. You'll benefit so much more than using a worthless treadmill!

Finally, using heavier weights will not automatically make a woman get big muscles! I see this all the time. The problem is that people just don't know. They seem to think that gaining muscle is just so easy to do. Apparently all you have to do to become a top female bodybuilder is pick up a heavy weight a few times and the muscles just pop out. It's no where near that simple.

Female bodybuilders are often freaks of nature. They tend to have much more testosterone than normal women. The sport self-selects for that. You must have the genetics to get like that. 99.9% of women do not have those genetics. Female bodybuilders also must work out hard and heavy for years to gain that muscle. It doesn't happen quickly, even for them. Finally, almost all of them are on drugs to make them that big. Even with genetics and good training, most of those physiques are aquired through drug enhancement. Women's bodies just can't pack on the mass like men because they lack enough testosterone. In short, if you're a woman, you're not going to look like them because you lift heavier weights.

Again in terms of fitness, results often come from intensity and that means not curling 5lbs. dumbbells 1000's of times. That's not intensity. This applies even to fat loss.

The main problem is that most people just don't know how to work out. I see it all the time. I hand a dummbell or kettlebell to someone and what do they do with it? A squat? A deadlift? An overhead press? Never. They do a bicep curl instead. How many bicep curls do you have to do with 5lbs. dumbbells to lose weight? A ton.

Bicep curls are what people know so it's what they do. Hand a woman who's used to working out ilke that a heavier weight and she won't likely want to use it because it'll make her biceps bigger. The answer is simple: stop doing bicep curls!

Use heavier weights to work compound joint exercises like deadlifts, squats, etc. and the weight will come off as you build muscles you can actually use. Carrying your child or groceries home from the store will become easier and you fight osteoperosis to boot. You take a lot less time to work out using heavier weights because of the intensity, burn more calories because of the heavier weight, and build good posture because you're working major muscle groups instead of smaller muscle groups like biceps.

Ladies, if you want your chest to look bigger then working the chest and back with heavier weights can help (if you have a good program with good exercise form) because it improves your posture by pulling your shoulders back and opening the chest. As your posture improves, your bustline looks bigger. But working out with 5lbs. dummbells or water bottle isn't going to cut it.

formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

I have a series of new kettlebell videos that I made to introduce complete beginners to the bell and how to use it. If you have any experience with the KB at all, you'd likely find the clips tedious to watch. Again, they're for beginners because that's what we have in Taiwan. Almost no one here knows how to use the KB so I'll have to spend lots of time introducing how to use it over the next few years and this is one way of doing it. Chinese translated versions will be coming soon.

The clips show basic techniques and finish off with a basic circuit that people can use to work out for 10-20 minutes.


This is the deadlift.

Picking up the kettlebell is the most basic action you practice with it. Don't hurt yourself on the first move. Here are some details to keep in mind:

1. Unlock the knees

2. Bend down from the hips. The motion requires you to fold at the hips, NOT the waist. Keep the back flat as you sit back into the hips.

3. Keep your head up to make sure you don't flex the back.

4. Grab the KB with both hands.

5. Tighten the abdomen like someone is going to punch you there.

6. Lift the KB with the glutes and hamstrings NOT by flexing the lower back. Squeeze with the butt muscles and the hammies.

7. Lower the KB to the ground and repeat keeping your head up. This is just the basic lift and when you get good at keeping your back straight, you don't have to look forward all the time.

Short swing

This is a good second basic motion. The idea is to just start getting the kettlebell moving once you've deadlifted/picked it up. Here are some details:

1. Push the kettlebell forward with your hips NOT the arms. Have the arms rest against the pelvis with the KB hanging in front.

2. Make the swing short so you can get used to the momentum.

3. As the KB comes back toward you, don't let it crash into your groin! As it swings back, move your hips back in time with the KB.

4. As the KB swings between your legs, thrust it out with the hips again by pushing the arms with the pelvis. Don't use the arms to generate force.

5. Repeat


This is the first of the classic KB moves. The deadlift and short swing have prepared you for this. Here are some details:

1. Push the kettlebell forward with your hips NOT the arms. Have the arms rest against the pelvis with the KB hanging in front.

2. Make the swing longer as you get used to the momentum. Chest height is a good target at first. As you get better, you can swing the KB higher.

3. As the KB comes back toward you, don't let it crash into your groin! As it swings back, move your hips back in time with the KB.

4. As the KB swings between your legs, thrust it out with the hips again by pushing the arms with the pelvis. Don't use the arms to generate force.

5. Squeeze the butt muscles as the KB goes out to help add force to the movement. Also keep the abs tight as if someone is going to punch you there to help protect the lower back.

6. Repeat The one-arm swing is pretty much the same as the two-arm swing. The only difference is that the body will be turned slightly because you're using one hand instead of two.

Squat progression

After practicing deadlifts and swings, you're ready for some squats. This is a basic progression and introduces some ideas for using the squat in your workout. Squats in the video include: easy front squats, sumo pulls, front squat, squat to overhead pull. With the squats, try to stay as upright as you can and bend from the hips, NOT the knees. Do not initiate the action with your knees. This is a common mistake. Start the motion by bending from the hips and sit your butt back. Then squat down to the ground. I recommend parallel at first before you try to descend deeper. To ascend, push your feet into the ground and push with your legs hard against the ground. Keep your abs tight as if someone were going to punch you there. Keep your head up and looking forward. With the overhead press variation, straighten the arms at the end of the movement. Then control the KB as it falls from the position. Don't let it hit the floor.

Basic circuit

This is a basic circuit that puts the deadlift, squat, swings, and over head pull/push together. You should practice each of those motions through sets and reps first before doing this circuit. For example, do the deadlift, swings (2 and 1 handed), squats, and overhead pull/push each for 3 sets of 10 reps.

It looks like this:

deadlift 3 sets of 10 reps

rest in between each set

swings 2 handed 3 sets of 10 reps

rest in between each set etc.

After you're comfortable with the basic workout above, start adding sets and reps, and cut down the break time in between sets. Once you get proficient at that, do this circuit all the way through, no breaks between exercises, and either take a brief rest in between circuits or start the circuit again immediately. You can repeat this circuit 3-4 times for a ten minute workout or do it 6-8 times for a 20 minute workout. Have fun.

formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Try this out next time tou go to the grocery store: buy 100% of your purchases from the fruit/vegetable section, milk (note: not the whole dairy section), and the meat section.

In other words, the sections that are on the outside edges of the store. Don't buy anything from the middle!

Usually all the processed junk like cookies, sugar-filled spaghetti sauce, instant mac-n-cheese, etc. are all in the middle. Avoid all of that stuff and you've gone a loooooong way towards improving your health already.

Naturally this is easier said than done but you can do it! I did it and you can too. One change you'll have to make is shopping more fequently because the veggies take up a lot of space in your cart, but they shrink down when you cook them. You'll also go through them faster than you think.

Here's some tips to help make this happen:

1. Get some potatoes to help with the transition away from rice, bread, and pasta. All that stuff is in the middle and you'll want to cut down on it. But keeping potatoes in your diet will make it an easier transition. And NO, I don't mean french fries either. Stew, bake, or make soup out of your spuds and you'll get the benefit without adding lots of calories.

BTW, spuds are great for people who need help recovering from exercise or gout sufferers like me. Spuds are alkaline, unlike the other carbs like bread and pasta, which are acidic. The more acid in your system, the longer it takes to recover from exercise. A buildup of acid contributes to muscle soreness and being sore obviously gets in the way of making progress. Exercise produces plenty of lactic acid already. Potatoes help your body by not adding more dietary acid to the mix.

2. Get corn. Technically a grain, corn is another transition food that you'll find in the veggie section. It's sweet, especially when you steam it as corn on the cob. Kids love it and you will too. Make corn a staple of your diet and like with spuds, you'll transition out of the other carbs a lot faster.

3. Reward yourself with fruit. Get apples, strawberries, or something exotic that you don't normally buy. Use the money you save from not buying Chip Ahoy chocolate chip cookies to get mangos or something else you haven't tried like wax apples. Fruit can satiate a sweet tooth quickly. I know: I ate 3 kiwis last night.

Let me know if this helps.

formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()



I have new kettlebell and boot camp fitness classes opening up. If you or someone you know is interested, please give me a call or email. Contact info is on the right.

Kettlebells Times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30-10 a.m. and 7:30-8 p.m.

Bootcamp fitness Times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00-9:30a.m. and 7:00-7:30 p.m.

PLEASE call for a free health and fitness assessment before you join a class. (Mandatory)

I'm concerned about people's safety so I want them to come in for a free health assessment first. This is a NT$1200 value and will let you know what's your fitness level.


健身營 : 星期一,三,五的早上九點至九點半,及晚上七點至七點半。

壺鈴課程 : 星期一,三,五的早上九點半至十點,及晚上七點半至八點。

上課地點 : 近古亭捷運站


手機 : 09122-87898 (教練Dave Chesser 將親自與您用中文或英文洽談)
電郵 : formosafitness"at"pixnet.net

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(下面)他是我老師Steve Cotter, IKFF的創辦人及總裁.

me and steve.jpg

壺鈴上課 時間: 星期一,三,五 9:30-10 a.m. 和7:30-8 p.m. 請先打電話給我0912287898 還是email: formosafitness"at"pixnet.net. 來試試看吧!

formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This is me and Steve. If I look a little delirious, then check out the second picture below and you'll know why.

me and steve.jpg

This is what is takes to get through the press long set.


formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


First of all, if you weren't a man (or woman) before you trained with Steve Cotter, you surely will be afterwards. The International Kettlebell and Fitness Federation certification that I just went through in Malaysia was the hardest thing I've ever done -- both mentally and physically. I'm trying to think of something comparable and all I can come up with was going through US Army basic training. Even though that was two months of 4-hours-a-night sleep and 4-5 mile runs every day, it was also spaced out over two months. And I was 25 years old at the time. This cert felt like two months of basic training crammed into two days. That's how tough it was.

The cert covered all the major kettlebell lifts that you'd expect and a few that I didn't: swing, clean, snatch, press, front squat, overhead squat, etc. I was nervous going to the cert because when you take a seminar from someone that can jump onto a table from a low single leg squat position multiple times


then you have to expect some real intensity. So I prepared hard before going. But I had no idea how hard it was going to be.

In addition to technical discussion of the lifts and practice of those details, Steve had us do a long set for every single technique covered -- many lasted ten minutes and a few were longer. I hadn't trained for that.

The worst sets were the 10 minute press set, the four minute double KB front squat set, and the 12 minute overhead squat set. I had only done overhead squats a couple of times before the cert because I didn't realize Steve considered them that important. Well, he does.

Ten solid minutes of pressing the KB was excruciating. The only rest positions allowed was the rack and the lockout. And after three minutes or so, the rack was no comfort because we had been training all day. It was an epic struggle to keep the position tight because my postural muscles gave out. I tried to rest a lot at the top and that worked well -- for a while. Then there was no rest postion that was comfortable. It became a battle of pure will as I struggled to keep the bells from falling on the ground -- something I'm proud to say I didn't let happen even once.

The double KB front squat was only four minutes but maybe the toughest set for me. I had never held a double rack of 16kg KBs for that long, let alone tried to do front squats for four minutes. My whole body was shaking.

I told a fellow trainer after the cert that I felt bulletproof after going through that. Overcoming a challenge of that magnitude gives you tremendous confidence.

That's what our lives are missing and what hard physical training with kettlebells, bodyweight, etc. can bring back. We get a sense of accomplishment after doing an extremely hard training like this that we can't get from our incredibly boring jobs or lives. And isn't a sense of accomplishment, the feeling that you are getting somewhere, what many of us want and need?

We all need a challenge from time to time and if you're looking for one of the hardest, the IKFF cert is the place to get it.

formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()


Steve Cotter

I'm off to Malaysia to become a certified kettlebell trainer so the blog won't be updated for a few days. I'm so stoked about this. Been waiting a long time for this opportunity and here it is. I've been training hard with the bells and I'm as ready as I can be. I'm sure that Steve Cotter will work the hell out of me and teach me a ton of stuff I didn't know. I have all of his DVDs and his new book and I've poured over them to prepare. They are resources I can mine for the rest of my life. But actually meeting and studying from the man himself will take my kettlebell training and fitness to a whole new level I'm sure. 

So see you in a few days!

formosafitness 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I hate to talk about diets because I often feel i don't have anything to add. On the one hand, it's a vital subject if you want to make any true progress but on the other hand, it's an even more contentious area than physical training. There are just too many variables for people to get a handle on. And there's research coming out all the time on this or that food and how it's good for you this week and bad for you the next. What to do?

I don't pretend to be a scientist or a nutritionist. I primarily talk about what has worked for me because my own experience is all I've got. Will it work for others? Maybe in a general way and that's how I present it. So what has worked?

Certianly NOT Atkins or any extreme no-carb diet like it. Atkins for me as a gout sufferer was a death sentence. Atkins has you eating pure acid all day -- not what gout suffrers need. But even for normal people, I see Atkins as the most bizarrely extreme diet out there. It just isn't something you can do long term. I think we should be thinking of diet not in terms of short fads that we try just to lose a few quick pounds, but a long-term change of your whole diet -- everything you consume.

Cutting way back on complex carbs like breads, rice, pasta, and simple sugars like table sugar, honey, etc. have made a big difference in my training. I try to eat those things once a day, at most. I make note if i have them twice a day because I know that day will set me back in my training as far as weight loss is concerned.

I also try to eat that one serving at breakfast time or lunch time at the latest. I want them early in the day to fuel workouts.

One of the best pieces of diet advice I know came from Fabio, the romance novel cover model that was popular back in the early 90's. He said NEVER eat carbs after 6 p.m. I think that's solid advice. Dinner and late night snacks should be protein based for recovery. Carbs are for energy and not needed obviously for you to sleep. Eating carbs at night is adding empty calories to your diet.

However I do eat carbs for dinner in the form of vegetables. I have a large salad every night as my main dinner course. I highly recomend this. I now get about 10-12 servings of veggies a day and feel much better for it. And of course it goes against Atkins advice, but there it is. Cutting out healthy carbs like veggies is not something I would recommend.

Replace your rice, bread, and pasta with veggies and your body will thank you for it!

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