
avatar3.jpg I tell folks that buy kettlebells that they don't need to move up in weight and buy more kettlebells unless they want to. Occasionally i have someone that just doesn't believe that they can continue to get a great workout with only 16kg even after doing kettlebells for quite a while.

Well I just had a killer workout yesterday with the 16kg. Here's what I did:

600 reps: 100 reps each of swing, rack squats, clean & press, lunges, snatch, get-up situps.

On some exercises, I did continuous sets of 25L/25R and for others I did 10L/10R. I noticed the 25L/25R caused me to put the kettlebell down a few times to catch my breath but 10L/10R continuously was doable.

Stick efforts like this into your routine occasionally and you'll maximize the value of this amazing tool.

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    Formosa Fitness

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