If working out holds any interest to you, you're really looking to lose fat, you want to gain muscle, you want deadlift 500lbs., or pretty much anything else in terms of physical culture then The Four Hour Body by Tim Ferriss needs to be on your bookshelf today!
Lifting the book itself is a workout as it clocks in at 600+ pages. It's an encyclopedia of physical culture for beginners and gives you an awesome intro to things you will never in a million years see at a mainstream gym.
-- how to drop fat like crazy with the slo-carb diet
-- how to gain massive amounts of muscle in a short time
-- how to use kettlebells (YES!) to burn fat
-- hwo to run 100 miles.
-- how to get super strong ny getting your deadlift to 500lbs.
-- and much more
Seriously, this is the best fitness book to come along in a long time. These are things that serious people in the fitness industry already know but they haven't hit the mainstream yet. Ferriss breaks this stuff down so a beginner can understand it and that's the beauty of the book.
The book even comes with it's own movie trailer. Check it out:
And BTW, if you're looking to follow the book and you need kettlebells, we have them in stock right here in Taipei! Send us an email or call the number to the upper right and we can get you started today.
Please be aware that almost no one does the swing right when they try it out. Come learn from us how to do it the right way and you'll get the wonderfull results Ferriss talks about.
Let us know how you progress!