Weight 83.1kg Fat 17.2%
So let's check this weeks results. It was a wild week and don't let my progress fool you. I had a lot of ups and downs this week concerning my method. But pics first and then details.
My back is showing the biggest improvement so far but I'm up in muscle all over. And feeling it, too.
Here's me three weeks ago:
So I'm showing some obvious improvement.
So what went wrong this week? Many things. First, after I posted the pics last time, I tried to work out and just failed. I had no energy whatsoever because I cut my carbs down too low in an effort to cut fat. Not smart. So I scrambled for a solution and that's when I realized that my G-flux thing didn't seem to be fluxing. As in, I didn't really have a program to go by, just a couple of articles. So I kind of scrapped the idea. I'm now doing other things and seeing good results.
Another thing that is wrong is my focus. Question: what is not in the pics? Legs. What do I spend 70% of my time on? You guessed it. As a functional guy, I tend to spend lots of time, squatting, deadlifting, swinging and cleaning the kettlebell, etc. Funny but all that stuff above in the pics tends to get ignored. Well it's time to spend some time on it and that's what I've been doing. I call it "filling in the blanks" because that's what it is. I'm filling in what isn't there.
Needless to say, I'm learning tons of stuff along the way but sometimes it's so much that I get overwhlemed. Then I need to step back and reassess before moving on. Sometimes it takes me a few days to process it.
So there you have it. More later.