(not me BTW, :) )
I hit a new personal record this morning in squat: 302.5lbs (137.5kg)!! Yaaaaaaay!!!! I'm very excited about this. Progress is cool. It wasn't the pretiest squat ever, but it was there.
What has helped me in both the heavy squat and the deadlift (especially) is to allow my form to follow the function. I'm not competing or likely too. My goal is lifting for fitness and whatever gets me there is acceptable in my book.
Problem is there are three primary weightlifting communities: powerlifting, Olympic lifting and bodybuilding. The techniques they use all cater to their needs and us fitness guys don't fit squarely into any of their competitive molds.
What I'm finding useful is to watch all their technqiues and then try them out yourself. Which technique allows you to lift the most safely? Go with that. Feel free to choose the technique that fits YOU. Do not feel beholden to a community that you aren't a real part of anyway.
I'm finding that higher-bar squats and butt-down, chest-up deadlifts fit me pretty well. Find out what works for you!