One of the biggest mistakes you can make regarding nutrition is to not start with a comprehensive plan. Many people read somewhere that fish oil is great so they think they should take it. And they hear about this famous book saying that all carbs are bad so they want to cut carbs. Then they watch a youtube video about how bad meat is or something like that and they try to change what they're eating now based on all this various advice they got from here and there.
The problem is this is a path to no where. It's a REACTIVE response to a bad nutritional situation. People get blown this way and that depending on what they read and hear and don't start with anything solid that will address most of the fundamental issues. A tried and tested plan is a ACTIVE approach because you put it in place and follow it. This allows you to tweak it later if something isn't working. When you're here, there, and everywhere with nutritional advice (and most everone is) then you're basically NO WHERE in terms of results. You'll never know what's working and what isn't.
The reason I stick with Precision Nutrition is that it's one of the best overall plans that people can actually live with and still get great results. There's also a huge community built around it for support. But if that doesn't appeal to you then find something that does and stick with it!