That's all I wanted to do yesterday for my leg workout and that's just what I did. I jumped rope for about 2-3 minutes and then did 14-20 reps of deadlifts on a relatively light weight, around 120lbs. or so. Rinse and repeat for 30+ minutes.

It was great and a good example of simplicity in a workout. I never stopped moving for over 30 minutes and got a real sense of fulfillment out of it.

I didn't want to go heavy on the deadlift at all. Deadlift is one lift that will knock you out if you go heavy. It will wipe you out and I just didn't want to feel that way. I wanted to feel good so I went light. Loved it.

The combo was easy to manage so I could keep up a constant pace.

I have 2-3 of these types of simple workouts that I fall back on when my mind needs to take a break from all the complex programming. Worrying about sets, reps, ladders, etc. can be a real pain in the butt sometimes. Sometimes we just need to go into the gym and enjoy moving.


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