If you've bought one or more kettlebells, you may wonder what to do next when it no longer feels heavy. Well, you've only scratched the surface of what's there.
Here's what I did today with the 12kg kettlebell:
swings 2x25L/25R
clean and press 2x25L/25R
snatches 2x25L/25R
squats 2x25L/25R
push press 2x25L/25R
lunges 2x25L/25R
600 reps total and rest only as needed to catch the breath
I don't usually work with the 12kg kettlebell any more except to teach but I wanted this type of low intensity/high density work out today.
This type of work out hits everything and shows that you can still get a good challenge out of a kettlebell that may feel a bit lighter to you. This extends the life of the kettlebell, meaning that you don't necessarily have to go out and buy a heavier one unless you just want to.
Enjoy your kettlebell work.