Got a bad, bad case of 'em. Some have commented that they're happy seeing me write more IMA-related posts and I appreciate the feedback. Unfortunately, that isn't likely to last -- the posts, that is. I haven't been very happy with my IMA practice for some time and that doesn't look to change much. A small wave of nostalgia hit a few weeks ago but I was surprised at how quickly it disappeared. I'm just past that point in my life.
My personal evolution towards martial fitness is, however, progressing without a hitch. I'm starting to see more and more that I can teach in this new framework and be a much happier teacher than I was with trying to teach IMA. Teaching IMA was ....umm...."less than fair" shall we say. I'm SOOOOO much happier using martial fitness to get people in shape and fix their bodies. And you have to do what makes you happy.
Truth be told, most of the IMA crowd still wants to "party like it's 1899" and that's how it will always be. Nothing will ever change for them. On the other hand, people who want fitness are very happy to learn an approach that values their joints and teaches an Asian, balanced way to health and harmony. Of the two communities, there's no room at all in one and a vast, open space in the other. Hmmm....Go West, young man. :)
I'm about to order powerclubs for the school and this will likely accelerate these tendencies even further. I see practically endless possibilities for using the clubs from a martial fitness perspective. Circular and spiral strength add a lot of comlexity to the usual strength training paradigm. And IMA people are always looking for heavy weapons that they can never find, when this similar tool is readily available. Finally, shoulder rehab should be a real possibility with the clubs -- something I'm very interested in.
Hmmm....strength building, finesse adding, rehabing capability, no traditional baggage -- starting to see the benefits of this approach?