
Wow. What a book. This is the most solid buy I've made yet for personal training. It's the bible for programming in the 21st century. I lost over 1okg last year doing circuits that I put together. But I didn't know how to really program beyond what I was doing already. It worked but there was not enough variety nor was I stressing enough attributes. I got certed with NASM but their programming is circa 1990. Crossfit programming with more of a plan is the way to go. But how to do it?

Infinite Intensity is the key.

Ross makes this kind of programming clear by showing you the functional exercises he uses and then how to put them together in various ways. He even gives you a 50 day plan to follow if you just want to follow along. For us trainers, looking at his examples can give you tons of ideas for your own classes.

Highly recommended.

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    Formosa Fitness

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