We have a hard core fitness class for those brave enough to try it. Current times are 7am M-W-F. Working out in the morning is a great idea. You devote all your energy to it first thing in the morning and then go about your day. This approach is MUCH more productive than evening workouts!
We limited to the first five people that join us so act today to resverve your spot! Thanks!
It doesn't matter whether we're talking about deadlifts, squats, swings, etc. One cue that has made a world of difference for me is to PUSH THE FLOOR AWAY WITH THE LEGS.
In deadlift and squat, many clients think of just standing up. Or in deadlift, they think of pulling with the low back. Thing is, that rarely gets them using the legs at full capacity. The legs aren't engaged much when they should be 100% engaged.
Instead of just trying to stand up, actually push the floor away from you with your legs. This makes these movements somewhat like the leg press but what you'll find is the movements are MUCH more powerful, they're safer because you aren't straining the low back, and you'll likely be able to do more weight.
One problem is that pushing the floor away vs. pulling with the low back in deadlift or just standing up in the barbell squat doesn't look any different. There isn't a visual difference usually except perhaps for a more powerful hip thrust with the push-the-floor away technique. So people can't see a difference, therefore they think their isn't one.
This is where FEELING comes into play. You can easily FEEL a tremendous difference between the two. So focus on that push and you'll make much better progress.
Everyone says they're innovative but few gyms will tell you how they're different.
Why should you choose Formosa Fitness?
1. Getting fit is hard work and doing it alone is no fun plus it's hard to stay motivated. Our main fitness offering is semi-private personal training. You meet in a small group of 4-5 people who train together, get to know each other, and support each other. Working out in a small group is fun!
2. I train each and every person that comes into the gym. Whether it's our semi-private or fully private training, I guide you every step of the way. You don't have to be confused any more about how to get results. I'll take care of that for you.
3. 30 minutes! That's it! We get you warmed up, worked out, and cooled down in 30 minutes so you can go back to your life.
4. You won't just look good, you'll FEEL good. And isn't that what you really want? Our methods use basic human motions to get you fit instead of wasting boring hours on a treadmill. You'll move better throughout the day and feel better than you have in years.
These are the kind of results our students get:
Still not convinced? Work out for free for the month of September!
Try us out risk free for the rest of the month. No catches, no gimmicks. If at the end of the month you decide we aren't for you, then no hard feelings.
Give us a call at 0912287898 and get started today!
We just got our new shipment in! We ordered over 200 kettlebells and 60 powerclubs. Everything is back in stock so if you were waiting to buy something, now is the time.
I also want to say that I'm proud of the fact that we as a mom-and-pop gym brought this to you. We aren't Wal-Mart and we don't buy our products by the millions. We self-finance everything (no loans, no grants) and we try our best to bring you the best products and services that we can possibly provide. We thank all of you for your patronage!
Now we're off for a couple hours of well-deserved break. :)
Here's your cheet sheet for Precision Nutrition. I suggest printing these out to keep in your wallet.
1. Eat every 2-3 hours, no matter what. You should eat between 5-8 meals per day.
2. Eat complete (containing all the essential amino acids), lean protein with each meal.
3. Eat fruits and/or vegetables with each food meal.
4. Ensure that your carbohydrate intake comes from fruits and vegetables. Exception: workout and post-workout drinks and meals.
5. Ensure that 25-35% of your energy intake comes from fat, with your fat intake split equally between saturates (e.g. animal fat), monounsaturates (e.g., olive oil), and polyunsaturates (e.g. flax oil, salmon oil).
6. Drink only non-calorie containing beverages, the best choices being water and green tea.
7. Eat mostly whole foods (except workout and post-workout drinks).
So this guy comes into the gym and says he wants help gaining some muscle. Oh but he's also training for a marathon so our training can't interfere with that. Oh and he'd also like to work on his inflexibility. Oh and he also has a bad knee and elbow we'll need to rehab. Grrrrrr....
The fact is most people need a coach to tell them what to do because they can't choose for themselves amongst the various goals they have. Most people can't tell a good goal from a bad one and lack a method to choose between competing goals. When you can't tell the good from the bad or the good from the better, you get paralyzed by choice and end up doing everything poorly or nothing at all.
Learn to make decisions or hire a coach who can guide you. But don't spin your wheels because you can't choose.
This is a sample workout that you can do with the powerclubs/clubbells. Working with the clubs is amazing. I've never felt anything quite like it. Each tool definitely has it's own flavor and the club definitely has one. It's hard to describe. The workout is full-body but much easire on my shoulders and elbows. The leg work is surprisingly effective and vaired. I really didn't expect that. And the 3D movement is great. The kettlebell goes foward/back and up/down very well but the clubs add side-to-side motion and full circle movement. Love it.
Our gym is a reflection of our values and thinking. We have a strong dislike for the clutter and useless equipment in modern gyms. Those aspects of this thinking came across clearer to me in the recent pictures of the new gym than in anything else I've experienced recently.
Look at the picture above. Notice the dark green tiles offset by the lighter green walls. Notice the simplicity of the equipment and the ample space that cuts right down the middle of the gym. The space is small yet the possibilities created within the openness are infinite.
Machines and other useless equipment become distractions for the mind. We suffer from too many choices. Do I use the neck machine today? How about the hip flexor machine? The leg curl? All those choices cause the mind to become confused. What's useful and what's not? And look, the gym just got a new piece of equipment. I wonder what it does?
In the midst of all this physical clutter we lose space for the body to move. More, more, more. Where is the freedom and beauty of movement? Is that allowed any more? We allow our fitness purchases to crowd our space preventing movement. Shouldn't fitness tools increase movement and therefore fitness options?
Simplify. Simplify your space. Simplify your tools. Simplify your routine.
Get back to the basics, emphasize quality of motion, and allow the mind to calm.
We're up and running at the new location. Keeping the current location open while starting a new one was quite a challenge but we pulled it off. Thanks to the people that helped us out. Here's the process with comments.
Painting the gym was a major decision. White walls aren't conducive to working out IMO. We went with two shades of green after a client suggested a similar gray color (thanks Meredith!) and we saw another gym we admire using a similar color scheme. Other gyms in our niche are using red and black but that color scheme looked like hell to me. Not what i wanted. :)
Yes, we have plants. We're tough but sensitive. :) I wanted something to spruce up the outside.
First piece of equipment comes in. This back extension went for US$650. I kid you not. I managed to fid one little place that only wanted US$120. Guess which one I bought? The gym business is crazy here.
Suspension trainer here, rings there. Rope over there.
The floor was a major issue. These tiles were US$100 each from a fitness manufacturer. Yes -- each piece. I got the ones they use outside in the parks for one-third the price. That helps a bunch when you're buying 30 of them.
Floor done and it's starting to come together.
Tired but happy. :)
The finished product. Everything installed and ready for business.
Barbell training is our next big challenge. We're getting excellent results for both strength training and fat loss by using barbells. Yes, you can use barbell training to lose fat.
So there you have it. Formosa Fitness 2.0 is ready and open for business. We'll be starting in the new place Sept. 1. More info on new classes to come soon. Stay tuned!